Five tips to take control of your life during the current lockdown


Five tips to take control of your life during the current lockdown

Back in March we entered the unknown territory of Covid-19 restrictions. Going into isolation and the first lockdown changed our world overnight. Those who could, worked from home, schools, colleges and universities closed with children being home schooled. Stepping out was restricted to only essential trips to the supermarket, walking the dog or a short daily exercise.

We’re now in the second wave of another lockdown with the promise that it will end by December 2nd. The full impact on our global economy is yet unknown with many discussions and predictions of its potential disaster. Nothing in our training or life’s experiences has prepared us for these times.

We can buckle under the stress and anxiety change brings, worry about how the pandemic will impact us and our loved ones, or we can focus in finding a new purpose in life, on what we can control and stay positive during adversity.

Instead of regurgitating what we’ve been told by senior officials about staying home, staying safe, maintain social distancing, I want to offer you a few little nuggets of inspiration that you can easily apply to your daily life that you may find helpful, constructive or even productive.

1 – Schedule, Structure & Routine

We’re creatures of habit. We like routine. Think of your daily rituals when you were going out to work and the children attended after school activities. Regardless of whether you were meticulous with your timekeeping and habits or happily going with the flow, if you dig (maybe not even too deep) you’ll find that your life had some form of structure.

That structure has yet again been shaken up. Staying in pyjamas all day or having a duvet day in front of the TV can seem very appealing, especially if you’ve been busy juggling work, kids, home and family until the global pandemic struct. You may have felt you were handed a grace period back in March, enabling you to step off the rollercoaster to let your body and mind catch up. You’ve earned it. This blissful time was fine for a few weeks, but it dragged on for months impacting on holidays and social life. But if you keep procrastinating and postponing tasks it could have a serious impact on your mental and physical health.

Procrastinating leads to disappointment, feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Every time you postpone a task, a bit of your confidence, sense of purpose, psychological and emotional wellbeing is chiselled away. Gradually, like a dripping tap, we lose meaning and purpose and start slipping into depression. Routine is important for all of us all.  


  • establish a daily routine, set targets
  • Get up every day at the same time
  • Timetable week-day tasks – work, exercise, hobbies
  • Plan weekend activities – games, family time, decorating, gardening
  • Go to bed at a reasonable hour every day

2 – Limit News Intake

Online, TV and Radio, there’s continuous coverage of the Coronavirus pandemic – news updates, discussions, debates, speculations, statistics. The constant exposure to news feed can have a detrimental impact on your mental and emotional wellbeing.

World Health Organisation (WHO) advises to “minimize watching, reading or listening to news about COVID-19 that causes you to feel anxious or distressed”


  • Limit news intake to once or twice a day at set times 
  • Watch or listen to the news from reliable sources
  • Avoid hearsay, rumours, potential misinformation

3 – Exercise

Most of us know the importance of exercise and all it’s health benefits. How it lowers the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression and dementia, and improves bone health and fitness levels. The NHS suggest we do 150 minutes a week of exercise, that’s 25 minutes for 6 days

Exercise releases endorphins, a type of neurotransmitter that relieves stress levels and helps reduce depression. It can stimulate the release of dopamine and serotonin, giving you a sense of wellbeing, better sleep and contribute to healthier eating habits.

YouTube and Amazon Prime offers a catalogue of different exercise classes such as Zumba, yoga, HIIT (high intensity interval training) and the now famous Joe Wicks. There are a number of Apps too including Couch to 5km or Walking Fitness, remembering to keep social distancing and following government guidelines to help you stay safe.


  • Do 1 form of exercise every day
  • Try something new
  • Exercise alone or with your partner and/or children

4 – Healthy Eating

Boredom can trigger the munchies – I know, I’ve done it many times. It’s amazing what becomes appealing when you’re aimlessly looking for something to stuff in your mouth. As tempting as it may be, avoid sitting on the sofa, binge-watching Netflix, eating ready meals and snacking on unhealthy morsels.

The market is saturated with diet books, shakes and diet programmes. It’s a multi-billion pound industry. Many people have been on a perpetual diet having tried practically everything available.

Use this lockdown period as an opportunity to eat healthily rather than going on a diet. Explore healthy meal plans, different ways to reset your metabolism to help you feel good about yourself.

Dr Michael Mosley has appeared on many TV programmes talking about food, eating, diabetes, insomnia and exercise. I particularly like his approach as he always puts himself forward for tests and trials. One of his books, The Clever Guts Diet, about how to reset your health through balancing your gut bacteria has caught my attention I felt revitalised, energised and healthier after following this new way of eating for 4 months.

Another one of my favourites is Jamie Oliver with his easy recipes that don’t cost the earth to produce, are quick and simple, and most of all easily achievable


  • Choose to eat healthy foods
  • Try different dishes
  • Create a weekly meal plan
  • Have fun and take time preparing meals
  • Get everyone cooking – your partner and/or children

5 – Social Interaction

We are generally social beings. We tend to interact with someone at some point in the day or week. There are of course exceptions (I thought I’d mention just in case someone shouts out that I’m generalising a little too much).

There’s a difference between aloness and loneliness. We all have a need at some point for time alone (some more than others). We need time to gather our thoughts and rest our minds. Loneliness on the other hand can have greater implications – it can lead to depression, self-harm and impact on the ability to cope with life. 

The lockdown has taken away freedom of movement. We can’t visit friends or family, meet work colleagues in bars, pubs or restaurants or have social gatherings. Children can’t have play-dates or join other neighbouring children to play outside.

We are however lucky to live in an era of technology where we can socialise and engage with friends and family online through FaceTime, Zoom, WhatsApp, Houseparty and many more platforms that offer the opportunity for us to engage with others.

Now more than ever, it’s really important we reach out to those living alone and to friends or family we’ve been too busy to meet.


  • Keep in touch with family & friends via video calls
  • Arrange drinks and a chat meeting online
  • Plan virtual dinner parties regularly – introduce a theme
  • Remember to call someone who lives alone

The lockdown is also enforced confinement. Those not used to being around each other 24/7 can experience high levels of tension. Frustrations escalate and arguments take a life of their own. Keep communication flowing and take time out from each other when needed. Communication oils the cogs of a relationship.

During this time of crisis, I will continue to offer online sessions via FaceTime & Zoom

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